The weather is warm here on the Costa Blanca. Our sweaters and boots have all been packed away, their places in Javea superseded by the bright Mediterranean sun and warm Sahara winds. The peace and forgotten nature of a beach town in winter has vanished for another half year, to be replaced by rental cars parked by the beach and waiting lists for tables at our favorite little seaside restaurants. Season is coming. The water is warmer, but the surf is more flat. Zeus giveth, and Zeus taketh away. It is the nature of things.
So we take what comes, forget for a while the elbow room we all enjoy in the off season, and look forward to picnics on the tosca, splashing in the sea with our kids, and enjoying anew the pulse and vibrancy of the Javea nightlife, recently awoken from its long, cold-weather hibernation.
Enjoy the tunes. We are.